

It is the province of knowledge to speak. And it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

There is nothing training cannot do. Nothing is above its reach.
It can turn bad morals to good; it can destroy bad
principles and recreate good ones;
it can lift men to angelship.
Mark Twain





This recording of Elizabeth Mellor was made Wellington New Zealand. In it, she discusses various aspects of dealing with loss and grief with children. She highlights some of the differences that occur at different ages in the ways children may experience their grief, their levels of understanding and how adults can help them through the process.

The talk includes discussion of the use of simple rituals, how to encourage children to talk about their feelings, how to help clear up confusions and the time the grieving process can take. She particularly emphasises the need to understand that children grieve as deeply as adults and that they often need lots of help with the processes. 

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This is a recording of a lecture given by Ken Mellor in Wellington New Zealand. Ken talks generally about the progress of young people through adolescence, the six distinctive stages of development through which they pass, and what parents and others need to do in each stage to help teenagers to get what they need.

This information has helped many parents make sense out of the behaviour of their teenagers. They learned that many of the changes are normal and that they signal the need for parents to shift gears in distinctive ways. Everything can become much easier and more enjoyable for many families when they start to use this way of approaching things.

Ken and his wife, Elizabeth, are the authors of Teen Stages: How to guide the journey to adulthood (Finch Publishing, Sydney, 2004) in which they present this information in detail. Their other books include ParentCraft: A practical guide to raising children well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family (all published by Finch Publishing).

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.


A recording of a talk given by Ken Mellor in Wellington, New Zealand. Ken talks simply about how to communicate with children.

He presents some basic principles for making talking to children and young people easier. Amongst other things he emphasises how the actual words we use have a profound effect on the outcome of what we do. He discusses guide lines for when to ask questions and how to do it so we can get more than a grunt or a one-word answer. He includes simple techniques for drawing our children out so they talk freely and easily, both about what they are enjoying and what they are troubled by. And there is more. The material is clear and very easy to understand.

He and his wife, Elizabeth, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.



This set is of Ken Mellor conducting a one-day workshop on this very important subject. Very practical, the common sense ways of dealing with these two types of problems has been very helpful to many people. Using this set, many people have successfully applied the suggestions made and have found they can do something to deal with their anxiety and depression, sometimes for the first time in their lives.

One satisfed person said, "It's better than Prozac". 

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.



This is a recording of a one-day workshop conducted by Ken Mellor in Wellington, New Zealand. The areas covered include: the extent of the problem, evaluating a person's risk of suicide and methods of intervention. The information contained is practical and well tested in the everyday lives of ordinary people. It is of value to both people at risk and those in contact with them. 

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.


In this recording, Elizabeth Mellor deals with challenging teenagers.  For many parents the teenage years are fun and exciting. Although a time of great intensity, it is full of wonder.  By contrast, many teenagers are a great challenge for their parents and for other adults. These young people are, amongst other things, extremely difficult, unpredictable and unreliable. Methods of discipline that worked when they were younger cease to be useful. Many families are faced with significant turbulence and sometimes with aggression or violence.

Elizabeth addresses some of the hot issues facing parents with challenging teenagers. Drawing on many years of experience in raising children, she concentrates on practical ways of dealing with the challenges parents face. She answers questions from the audience at the end of the talk.

She and her husband, Ken, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.


A talk given by Elizabeth Mellor focusing on loving our children.

She suggests that love is the basic energy behind successful parenting. While always there, it is not always easy to know how to express it. Elizabeth asks and answers several important questions: Can we love our children and discipline them at the same time? If we can, then how do we hold to what we think is important if our children disagree of find it difficult to do what we say? She also talks about four basic types of love and how to meet some of the common challenges of loving our children when we don't always like what they are doing.

She and her husband, Ken, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.

MAKING CONFLICT HEALTHY WITH YOUR CHILD: A Talk for Parents Who Struggle with Struggle

Ideal for parents who are looking for ways of struggling creatively with their children.

The struggles children have with their parents are a necessary part of their growing up. Yet often as parents we find these struggles a real challenge. We are often at a loss to know how to manage them, how to manage our own feelings and impulses, and how to do what will be right for our children in the long term in the middle of all the intensity we fee..

In this talk Ken highlights the creativity in conflict and the way it can strengthen all involved. He will discuss how it is part of loving our children and ways of entering it that promotes the best possible outcomes for our children. To help produce these outcomes, Ken will outline the changing nature of conflict at different stages and present what we need to do our responses to ensure our children get what they need in those stages.

He and his wife, Elizabeth, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.



In this recording, Elizabeth Mellor discusses common challenges facing step-parents, foster parents, adoptive parents and parents of children conceived with medical assistance, all have one thing in common. She suggests that both non-biological and biological parents have wonderful opportunities to share in the creation of new human beings.  At the same time, the different connections non-biological parents have with their children do add other factors that can bring both challenges and advantages. Understanding some of what is going is helpful to many people.

Elizabeth shares some of her own experiences as a step-mother. She addresses many of the issues that confront non-biological parents. Some of what she talks about is also useful for people who have a parenting roles, but who are not parents, for example, teachers, youth workers, and aunts and uncles. She also answers questions from the audience at the end of the talk.

She and her husband, Ken, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.


Ken talks about several different general approaches to children that help to build security. Developmental issues are covered and specific ways of helping children with low self-esteem.

The information is practical and easy to use. It highlights how happiness and security arise in children from our on-going involvement with them. Very helpful.

He and his wife, Elizabeth, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.


2 Pack CD

Probably all parents of teenagers worry about safety at some stage. As their young venture out into the adult world they meet many dangers, some of them lethal and permanent.

Ken talks about both general and specific ways of ensuring as much as we can that our teenagers remain safe.

The general approaches will include how to stay in contact, to keep track, and how to guide and manage in ways that have a real impact on teenagers. This will include information on how to read teenage reluctance and resistance and take advantage of it for their benefit.

The specific approaches will include age-specific suggestions on the different approaches that are necessary and effective at different ages.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.


2 CD Set
Life can be tough for teens. The body is changing in exciting and sometimes challenging ways. Adult life seems just around the corner and is both enticing and frightening. School is suddenly much more demanding and the future seems more difficult rather than less. Issues such as whether to use drugs or not, to have sex or not, to follow the gang or to adhere to family values, are very much part of daily choices.

Elizabeth explains that parents have a very significant role to play in supporting their teenage children through their complex stages of growth and that doing so takes lots of time and energy. She suggests that parents need to act as coaches, bosses, mates, leaders, role models, supporters and disciplinarians to their teenagers.

She discusses what parents can do to support their children through the teen years and how to balance the need for strong authority at times with the need to support developing autonomy.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.

KEEPING THEM HONEST Raising Your Children to be Good People



Elizabeth talks generally about the importance of "ethical training" in childrearing. She takes the audience through a developmental sequence, giving examples at different ages of the action parents can take to ensure their children develop ethically. Very practical and down to earth.

She and her husband, Ken, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.




Learning to deal with fear is a normal part of growing up. We can expect virtually all children to feel fearful over something. Even so, while most children learn what is needed to manage these feelings, the learning is rarely easy and is often very challenging. In part of this talk, Ken outlines ways of teaching children how to deal with their fears, ways that are designed to help them develop into secure, confident people. He will also mention the developmental stages at which fear is particularly prominent and what we can do about it at those stages.

By contrast, some children seem to get stuck with their fears and anxieties. They may develop fixations on things about which they worry, or phobias that keep them away from animals, particular locations, foods, people and other things. Life can become so focussed on what they fear that, left to themselves, they would live very confined and narrow lives. Ken also outlines ways of helping children who face these challenges.

All his suggestions are practical and well tested. They are relevant to parents, teachers and other caretakers.

Finally, Ken addresses the influence that the fears we hold as adults can have on the children in our care. Adults, too, can learn to manage their fears and to release themselves from fearful patterns. He briefly touches on these issues, too.

He and his wife, Elizabeth, are the authors of ParentCraft, a Practical Guide to Raising Children Well, Easy Parenting and The Happy Family.

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.





A talk given by Ken Mellor outlining powerful means of dealing with unfinished business from the past. It is generally easy to use and far reaching in its effects.

We can go back into our pasts in fantasy and make far reaching changes very easily. The process is surprisingly easy. Even when the process is not easy, the approach remains clear and only requires persistence. Many people have reported great relief from using it. 

MP3s have a small A$2.50 handling charge that will show up when your select "shipping method" as you check out.

Also, your download links for your MP3s are usually sent manually by email between Monday and Friday (not automatically 24/7), so allow time for their arrival.